Venetian Terrace Condo Association
Car Registration
Car Registration
Your community’s parking management is now being taken care of by South Florida Booting.
Our guest parking app will allow you to create a pass for your guests by using your phone anytime 24/7/365. Complete instructions are in this email.
We have 3 app versions for your convenience. Install it on your Android or IOS devices or use our WEB version on your computer using Google Chrome.
NOTE: If you are not able to successfully register your guest vehicle, DO NOT PARK IN ASSOCIATION PROPERTY. Not authorized vehicles will be immobilized or towed at the owner’s expenses. See”Help Area” for details.
Logging into the App
Logging in is pretty easy. Use the credentials below to log into the app using all 4 variables exactly as they appear to be routed to your account.
Role: Resident
Property Code: 1545
Email: [Use email on file – Resident email]
Password: Password1!